Advanced: Deploying First Discovery to Bluemix


You can get an internet accessible website serving the First Discovery Tool up and running with relative ease using IBM Bluemix and this tutorial will guide you through doing just that.


This tutorial assumes you have the following software installed:

If you need help with any of those try looking here for more information. You should also have a Bluemix account.

Overview of Components

First, lets go over the components involved.

  1. First Discovery Tool - this is the Infusion based client side app. It runs in your web browser.
  2. First Discovery Server - this is the server side component that will serve up the First Discovery Tool and proxy requests to the GPII Flow Manager.

Overview of steps

  1. Login
  2. Set up tools
  3. Build image
  4. Deploy container group
  5. Test


  1. Login
    A. Run the following command to login. Note: command text with <variables> should be substituted for your own values. If you've just signed up your orginization is probably your e-mail address and your space is probably "dev"

     cf login -a -o <orginization -s <space>

    B. If you don't know what your orginization and space are you can ommit them to login interactively:

     cf login -a
  2. Set up tools

    A. Run the follow command to initialize your IBM containers plugin:

     cf ic init

    B. Set your organization's namespace with the following commands. You may have set this already and if so this command will fail.

     cf ic namespace set <namespace>

    C. Create and switch to a new space to hold the items created in this tutorial with the following commands.

     cf create-space tutorial
     cf target -s tutorial
  3. Build image
    A. Obtain the source for the First Discovery Server:

     git clone    

    B. Optionally, edit package.json from the first-discovery-server repository and edit the "first-discovery" dependency to a version of your choosing. In this tutorial we will be using version


    C. Build the image and push it to Bluemix by running this command from the first-discovery-server folder:

     cf ic build --rm=true --no-cache=true -t first_discovery_server .

    D. Verify the image is listed in your registry:

     cf ic images
  4. Deploy container group
    A. Create a container group, which is like a cluster of containers, with the following command. Note: These OAUTH2 secrets are taken from test data

     cf ic group create \
     -p 8088 \
     --min 1 \
     --max 2 \
     --desired 1 \
     --memory 256 \
     --name first-discovery-group \
     -e NODE_ENV=bluemix \
     -e GPII_OAUTH2_AUTH_CLIENT_ID="net.gpii.prefsEditors.firstDiscovery" \
     -e GPII_OAUTH2_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET="client_secret_firstDiscovery" \
     -e GPII_OAUTH2_HOST_NAME="<url for flow manager>" \      
     -e GPII_OAUTH2_TCP_PORT="80" \<namespace>/first_discovery_server:latest                   # use your own namespace here   

    B. Monitor container group creation until the status is CREATE_COMPLETE

     cf ic group list

    C. Map a route to the container group

     cf ic route map --hostname firstdiscovery-<your initials> --domain first-discovery-group

    D. If you recieve an error message of {"message": "check domain error - failed to create domain, details: Invalid Auth Token"} then run the command below and try to map the route again.

     cf ic init
  5. Test

    A. Open the route http://firstdiscovery-<your initials> in your browser.

Congratulations your site is now live!