Advanced: Configuring the connection to the Preferences Server

This tutorial explains how the First Discovery Tool connects to the GPII Preferences Server.


Broadly speaking, the configuration of the First Discovery Tool (and of any preferences editor created with the Preferences Framework ) is configured through an Auxiliary Schema. This is a JSON document that specifies configuration information such as what panels to show, where to find HTML templates, and other things.

The basic First Discovery Tool is configured through the default Auxiliary Schema, which can be seen in the schemas.js file:

fluid.defaults("gpii.firstDiscovery.auxSchema", {
    gradeNames: ["fluid.prefs.auxSchema"],
    auxiliarySchema: {
        // schema details not shown here

Alternative Auxiliary Schema

This basic configuration of the First Discovery Tool does not connect to a preferences server, but the Tool includes an alternative Auxiliary Schema, the "Preferences Server Integration schema", that can be used to make this connection.

The Preferences Server Integration schema is defined alongside the default schema, in the schemas.js file:

fluid.defaults("gpii.firstDiscovery.auxSchema.prefsServerIntegration", {
    // using the base auxSchema as the grade inherits everything in there
    gradeNames: ["gpii.firstDiscovery.auxSchema"],

    auxiliarySchema: {

        // add the extra grade to the loader grades
        "loaderGrades": ["gpii.firstDiscovery.firstDiscoveryEditor",

        // add the token panel
        "token": {
            "type": "gpii.firstDiscovery.token",
            "panel": {
                "type": "gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.token",
                "container": ".gpiic-fd-prefsEditor-panel-token",
                "template": "%templatePrefix/token.html",
                "message": "%messagePrefix/token.json"

        // override the original template to add the extra panel placeholder
        "template": "%templatePrefix/firstDiscoveryPrefsServerIntegration.html",

        // customize the text on the congratulations panel
        "congratulations": {
            "panel": {
                "message": "%messagePrefix/congratulationsPrefsServerIntegration.json"

This schema makes two key changes to the auxiliary schema:

  • It adds a Preferences Server Integration grade to the loaderGrades. This grade sets up the connection between the Token Panel (see below) and the rest of the tool.
  • It adds a Token Panel to the set of panels. This panel transmits the preferences to the server and receives, in return, a unique token that is displayed and can be used to retrieve the preferences later.

In addition to these changes, this schema makes two more changes to support different messages in the interface:

  • It overrides the default template with an alternative template containing a placeholder for the new Token Panel at the end of the process.
  • It overrides the default message file for the congratulations panel with an alternative message file containing information about the saving of preferences.

Using the Alternative Schema

To instantiate the First Discovery Tool using the Preferences Server Integration schema, provide the schema name in the call to fluid.prefs.create() instead of the default schema:

fluid.prefs.create(container, {
    build: {
        gradeNames: ["gpii.firstDiscovery.auxSchema.prefsServerIntegration"]

Overriding Paths

The default Auxiliary Schema provided with the First Discovery Tool specifies root paths to the templates and message bundles used by the First Discovery Tool. These paths are relative, so an integration will likely need to override them. To do this:

  1. Create a custom Auxiliary Schema that uses the prefsServerIntegration schema and overrides the terms property, which specifies the paths:

     fluid.defaults("my.auxSchema.prefsServerIntegration", {
         gradeNames: ["gpii.firstDiscovery.auxSchema.prefsServerIntegration"],
         auxiliarySchema: {
             "terms": {
                 // path to templates and messages, relative to where this FD tool is
                 "templatePrefix": "my/relative/path/to/first-discovery/src/html",
                 "messagePrefix": "my/relative/path/to/first-discoverysrc/messages"
  2. Use this custom schema in the instantiation of the Tool:

     fluid.prefs.create(container, {
         build: {
             gradeNames: ["my.auxSchema.prefsServerIntegration"]

Configuring the Preferences Server Connection

The Token Panel, which saves the preferences to the preferences server, uses a default URL that assumes that the preferences server is at the same base URL as the First Discovery Tool itself. It's likely that this won't be case, and that you'll need to specify a different URL. To do this:

  1. Create a grade that defines the server configuration options you want.

    This grade should use fluid.component as its base grade and provide the saveRequestConfig option required by the Token Panel:

     fluid.defaults("my.serverConfig", {
         gradeNames: ["fluid.component"],
         saveRequestConfig: {
             url: "",
             method: "POST",
             view: "myApp"
  2. Add your grade to the loaderGrades in the Auxiliary Schema.

    Note that all of the desired loader grades must be included in the loaderGrades property, not just the new one that you are adding.

     fluid.defaults("my.auxSchema.prefsServerIntegration", {
         gradeNames: ["gpii.firstDiscovery.auxSchema.prefsServerIntegration"],
         auxiliarySchema: {
             "loaderGrades": ["gpii.firstDiscovery.firstDiscoveryEditor",
             "terms": {
                 // new paths to templates and messages
                 "templatePrefix": "my/path/to/first-discovery/src/html",
                 "messagePrefix": "my/path/to/first-discovery/src/messages"
  3. Use this custom schema in the instantiation of the Tool:

     fluid.prefs.create(container, {
         build: {
             gradeNames: ["my.auxSchema.prefsServerIntegration"]