Token Panel


Component Name: gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.token

File: panels.js

This panel saves the user's preferences to the GPII Preferences Server using the GPII Preferences Server API and displays the token returned by the server. This token identifies the saved preferences so that they can be applied to other devices or edited using another preferences editor.

Using the Token Panel

Option 1: In the Auxiliary Schema, specify the name of the panel as the type property of the panel section:

"token": {
    "type": "gpii.firstDiscovery.token",
    "panel": {
        "type": "gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.token",
        "container": ".gpiic-fd-prefsEditor-panel-token",
        "template": "%templatePrefix/token.html",
        "message": "%messagePrefix/token.json"

Option 2: Outside the context of the First Discovery Tool, developers may wish to create a standalone component:

var myPanel = gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.token(container, options);


This component uses the following base grades:

Supported Events

This component supports the following events:

onSuccess default Fired when the ajax request to the Preferences Server is successful
The data returned from the server
A string describing the status
The jqXHR object
onError default Fired when the ajax request to the Preferences Server is failed
The jqXHR object
A string describing the status
An optional exception object, if one occurred


Method Description Parameters
showTokenText Displays the server returned token. A string of token text.
savePrefsToServer Sends ajax request to the Preferences Server to save preferences. none


This component can be configured using the following options:

saveRequestConfig To config the endpoint, method and view for sending ajax request to the server.
(see: Preferences Server to understand view)
A object with ajax request configurations
saveRequestConfig: {
    url: "/user",
    method: "POST",
    view: ""


One of the options that can be provided to Infusion components is a set of CSS-based selectors identifying where in the DOM different elements can be found. Components use a DOM Binder to access the named elements.

The value for the selectors option is itself a Javascript object containing name/value pairs:

selectors: {
    selector1Name: "selector 1 string",
    selector2Name: "selector 2 string",
Selector Name Description Default
message The container to display the panel instruction. ".gpiic-fd-token-message"
token The textarea to display the server returned token. ".gpiic-fd-token"


<script type="text/javascript" src="src/lib/infusion/infusion-custom.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="src/js/msgLookup.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="src/js/tooltip.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="src/js/panels.js"></script>