Step Count


Component Name: gpii.firstDiscovery.stepCount

File: stepCount.js

Assists to display how many steps users have gone through.

Using the Step Count component

Option 1: Typically this component is used as a sub-component of the Navigation:

stepCount: {
    type: "gpii.firstDiscovery.stepCount",
    container: "{nav}.dom.stepCount",
    options: {}

Option 2: Outside the context of the First Discovery Tool, developers may wish to create a standalone component:

var myStepCount = gpii.firstDiscovery.stepCount(container, options);


This component uses the following base grades:


This component supports the following model properties:

Path Description Values Default
currentPanelNum Corresponds to the index of the current panel. Panel ID (Number) 0


This component can be configured using the following options:

Name Description Values Default
panelTotalNum The total panel number. Number 10


<script type="text/javascript" src="src/lib/infusion/infusion-custom.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="src/js/stepCount.js"></script>