Sticky Keys Assessor


Component Name: gpii.firstDiscovery.keyboard.stickyKeysAssessment

File: stickyKeysAssessment.js

Assess whether the user needs the help of the sticky keys feature. Currently, the assessor is simply compare whether the user input string is the same as the expected string.

Using the Sticky Keys Assessor

Option 1: Typically this component is used as a sub-component of the Sticky Keys panel:

stickyKeysAssessor: {
    type: "gpii.firstDiscovery.keyboard.stickyKeysAssessment",
    options: {}

Option 2: Outside the context of the First Discovery Tool, developers may wish to create a standalone component:

var myStickyKeyAssessor = gpii.firstDiscovery.keyboard.stickyKeysAssessment(options);


This component uses the following base grades:


This component supports the following model properties:

Path Description Values Default
offerAssistance Whether or not the sticky keys feature should be offered. Boolean undefined


This component can be configured using the following options:

Name Description Values Default
requiredInput The expected string to be input. String ""


<script type="text/javascript" src="src/lib/infusion/infusion-custom.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="src/js/stickyKeysAssessment.js"></script>